– Winston Churchill[/aux_quote]
There are many kinds of volunteers and we think there is a very important role for all of them. Some volunteers are quite sophisticated and know more about fund raising than many professionals. Others have generous spirits and are willing to be involved in a noble cause to simply make a difference. And then there are those that “spread the word” with great passion and engage others to volunteer and support the cause.
Often time children and young adults are terrific volunteers. They are dedicated, enthusiastic, and willing to accept real responsibility. In the process, they learn an important lesson…the value of “volunteerism”.
Volunteers are a critical resource in helping the PTLS Outreach Foundation achieves its mission. Each year we set our goals higher, and in order to reach those goals, we need you! And, remember, when you give, you also truly receive. Whatever you choose to do, it is the “doing” that matters.

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